Monday, July 14, 2008

TSC's Close-up Competition Winners!

Congratulations to TSC's Close-up magic competition winners!

Left to right:
Germain (2nd runner up), Sam (Grand champion) and Tong (1st runner up)


Anonymous said...

yeah? so like, is this competition recognized outside the boundaries of this group? or starbucks for that matter.

Anonymous said...

FYI TSC IS recognized by IMC and MAGFI. And we have a more practical set of criteria that's not just about technicalities.

Anonymous said...

mahiwagang kangkarot <-- Hmm, why don't you come in and let's see what you got. Your arrogance is disgusting.

Anonymous said...

recognized for? the list of pirated stuff TSC people rake in (and peddle to would-be members)? i reckon the stuff is for the "serious worker of the art" eh? that statement is more hypocrite than hypocrisy itself.

and as for you lei:
I would say I'd pass:

i. i'm not into coffee. but alas, those miniature ego trippers who fondly call themselves magicians are better off bwering more coffee and tossing a cup to each others head. that would be a spectacle far more entertaining than shuffling a deck of cards and mind fucking their beloved "laymen"

ii. i have better things to do than meet with other bunch of gloating wannabes.

iii. not until you subject yourself to self inflicted torture until you realize what a big slut you are for taking my question negatively, i would rather stay home fucking my magician assistant until i cut her body in half with my dang magic wand.

simplyjessie said...

Well, that's quite a mouthful. I'm not taking the bait but I'm sure you showed everybody exactly what type of personality you got going.

Good luck and more power.

Anonymous said...

Mahiwagang Kangkarot:

I hope you would care defining what YOU call magician.

The audience dont call the TSC people magicians for no reason.

If you ever think that the label magician can only be labelled to people that are accepted by the so-called 'authorities' in magic, then you are slave of the illusion that magic is such a technical profession like physicians, engineers, and such.

Yes, there are major communities in magic. But in no way they are authorities in our craft.

Pre, magicians still capture and deliver magic even though the magic community shun them. The real magician dont perform mainly for the purpose of impressing their co-magicians anyway.

Your posts suggests that you do magic mainly to show-off.

gaijin said...

Mahiwagang Kangkarot:
lei and simplyjessie are correct... can't say the least... we're here to have fun. mybe the real reason you are saying all these things is because you don't have anyone or anything to belong to. you feel you're the king of the world as most people would think after reading your comments... im not a psychologist or anything but your type of words suggest that you're full of s**t... are you a magician or a wannabe, for that matter?

Anonymous said...

i love tong.... his the best among the rest.... i love him so much... galing nya mag magic..


ballpen88 said...

ang lungkot naman walang furom

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