I’ve written a similar article back when TSC was new although I think an update is needed since new schools of thought and new opinions from the forums came along. Let’s start this article by deconstructing what we call nervousness. By the end of the article, you should have a number of techniques on how to end the shakes without urinating on your hands like your grandma suggests.
For magicians, nerves can be a nuisance although understanding it and why it presents itself will help toward self-improvement. Nerves don’t only come from shyness or lack of preparation. A great number of professional performers still get nervous but this is mainly due to adrenaline pump which results in shaky hands or a sweaty palm.
Shaking / Sweaty Palms
Shaking and wet hands can be caused both by nervousness and adrenaline going through your system. If you’re a newbie, then it will be due to nervousness. For professionals, the adrenaline gush helps them to be fully aware, to be alert, to have more presence of mind and to have more stage presence.
For newbies in magic, the shaking and sweating can be controlled if not totally eliminated. The common advice is repetitive practice. Why? We need to have what is referred to as muscle memory. A shaking hand is a sign that your brain is too conscious at what your hands/fingers are doing. Hoping to not make a mistake, the brain fires too many electrical signals to your hands leaving them shaking/sweating uncontrollably. If you’ve spent enough time practicing, then your hand and mind would’ve already developed muscle memory – something familiar to Occupational Therapists.
If your hand muscles are very familiar with your moves and sleights, then the brain needs to send much lesser signals and lesser signals means a less conscious hand. If you can do your magic without looking at your hand, then that’s a sign that you’ve been practicing.
Read the whole article at the TSC Forums